Several of my messages exposing the truth have been deleted. Sydes will try to convince you that these events never happened, that there never were any messages and there never was an admin-only furry roleplaying channel. But I have proof... .png:
the file is called proof.png
It was a peaceful Monday. I was sick, so I stayed home from school, and perused Discord as usual. I then visited the Discord server for the "Amateur Levels for Boom II", where I made a shocking discovery. Two of my roles, "gamer" and "verbal support", were above the admin role, allowing me to give myself the admin role. So, I decided to test it, and sure enough, it worked. I was then, once again, baffled. A new channel became visible, entitled "#admin-furry-roleplay". I realized I had seen things that I wasn't meant to see, so I decided to be a good person and inform the admins. I politely left a message in #admin-furry-roleplay informing them of the security loophole. It was fixed, and all was back to normal. But, for my hard work in cybersecurity, I recieved... no thanks. Nothing. I had one simple demand: I did not want to be an administrator, I simply wanted access to the singular admin only channel. Even just being able to read it would have been enough! But Sydes is an unkind dictator, with a machine heart made of heavy metal and running off of logic alone. A heart frozen in permafrost, uncapable of feeling the emotions necessary for a life to truly be considered human. He decided I would stay a nobody. So I decided, if my benevolent work would go unnoticed, unthanked... I would work against the 400 pound loli-loving discord mods. I could picture Sydes in that moment, sucking the cheeto dust off of his fingers and typing away at his mechanical keyboard, thinking he could stop me once and for all. But he underestimated my skills. I noticed that the audit log of the server was public, so I grabbed a screenshot. This historic screenshot became the proof.png that is featured on this very website. Without this, the fight may have ended long ago. But luckily, I got the picture, and I posted it straight to #cacoposting. Sydes thought he could just delete it, but he was wrong. While he was distracted watching his subtitled hentai videos about nine year olds that are actually 3000 years old guys trust me, I was uploading the picture to For a little while I had the link set as my nickname on the ALB2 server, but then, Sydes cleared it, renaming me to "1984". I thought long and hard for a solution, before realizing: a mod on one server cannot control ALL of Discord. So I set my username to the link. And now, I will change it once again, to the link to this website. This treasure trove of information the government tried to take from you.
I will not stop. I will not be silenced. I will fight for truth and freedom until Sydes finally falls from his position of power. He can no longer give up the ways of dictatorship. He is past that. He is irredeemable to me.
Sydes, if you are reading this: surrender, or I WILL remove you from your throne with force.
thanks neocities for hosting this shit